1. 教育背景:
序号 |
年度 |
人才称号或兼职 |
1 |
2024 |
CNKI评审专家库专家 |
2 |
2024 |
学术桥评审专家库成员 |
3 |
2023 |
20博彩公司/2022学年度河北省优秀博士学位论文指导教师 |
4 |
2023 |
第八届中国创新挑战赛(青海)优胜奖 |
5 |
2023 |
中国能源研究会会员 |
6 |
2022 |
全国本科毕业论文(设计)抽检评审专家 |
7 |
2022 |
SCI期刊Energies专刊“Low carbon Energy Technology for Heating and Cooling of Buildings”共同客座编辑 |
8 |
2022 |
教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心评审专家 |
9 |
20博彩公司 |
中国地质调查局干热岩勘查与试采发电工程组成员 |
10 |
2018 |
河北工业博彩公司“元光学者”启航A岗 |
11 |
2016 |
2016年国际埃尼奖(Eni Award)可再生能源领域候选人 |
12 |
2015 |
天津博彩公司2015年度校级优秀博士学位论文 |
13 |
2014 |
天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程(第三层次) |
序 号 |
项目 名称 |
项目 来源 |
项目 时间 |
项目 经费 |
承担 角色 |
1 |
干热岩发电对电网主动调峰/填谷博彩公司研究 |
中国地调局水文地质环境地质调查中心 |
2023-2024 |
30万 |
主持 |
2 |
干热岩跨/超临界管流与热储耦合非定常输运机理研究 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
2022-2025 |
58万 |
主持 |
3 |
载热流体井口多相流测试与评价方法 |
国家重点研发计划子课题 |
2019-2023 |
101万 |
主持 |
4 |
干热岩综合利用与防垢工艺支撑 |
中国地调局水文地质环境地质调查中心 |
20博彩公司-2022 |
30万 |
主持 |
5 |
中央支持地方高校改革发展基金 |
科研启动经费 |
2018-2023 |
100万 |
主持 |
6 |
有机朗肯闪蒸发电实验装置搭建 |
中核坤华能源发展有限公司 |
20博彩公司-2022 |
76万 |
主持 |
7 |
有机朗肯闪蒸发电博彩公司研究 |
中核坤华能源发展有限公司 |
20博彩公司-2022 |
35万 |
主持 |
8 |
中高温地热驱动的工质变流量梯级蒸发耦合供能特性研究 |
广东省新能源和可再生能源研究开发与应用重点实验室开放基金 |
20博彩公司-2022 |
3万 |
主持 |
9 |
基于能质匹配的地热能梯级协同利用博彩公司研究 |
山东省鲁南地质工程勘察院 |
20博彩公司-2022 |
2万 |
主持 |
10 |
工质热力性质与梯级蒸发有机朗肯循环能量耦合机理 |
国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 |
2014-2017 |
25万 |
主持 |
11 |
中低温地热冷热电联产与建筑耦合供能博彩公司 |
建筑安全与环境国家重点实验室开放课题基金 |
2019-2020 |
3万元 |
主持 |
12 |
非共沸混合工质的梯级蒸发与变温相变特性耦合机制 |
中低温热能高效利用教育部重点实验室(天津博彩公司) |
2015-2016 |
2万 |
主持 |
13 |
太阳能辅助冷却系统多场耦合强化对流换热机理的研究 |
天津市应用基础与前沿博彩公司研究计划重点项目 |
2015-2018 |
20万 |
博彩公司 骨干 |
14 |
膜状有序孔分级碳材料制备及SOx定向迁移解吸机制 |
国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 |
2014-2017 |
25万 |
博彩公司 骨干 |
15 |
干热岩人工裂隙渗透特性与多场耦合传热传质机理研究 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
2013-2016 |
76万 |
博彩公司 骨干 |
16 |
干热岩发电及综合评价关键博彩公司研究 |
国家高博彩公司研究发展计划(863计划) |
2012-2015 |
528万 |
博彩公司 骨干 |
17 |
中低温地热发电热力循环系统关键博彩公司与部件研制 |
国家高博彩公司研究发展计划(863计划) |
2012-2015 |
950万 |
博彩公司 骨干 |
2. 专利
[1] 李太禄, 乔堉文, 齐静, 高翔, 王泽宇, 范满; 孔祥飞. 热基电力系统及其控制方法, 发明专利, 202311170402.1,2023.09.12(实质审查)
[2] 李太禄, 齐静, 李杰, 周凯伦; 张尧, 乔堉文, 孔祥飞. 基于热管博彩公司的跨季节人工地热系统及其控制方法. 发明专利, 202311008134.3,2023.08.11(实质审查)
[3] 李太禄, 于海放, 王晶怡, 孔祥飞, 齐静, 李杰, 周凯伦. 梯级增压与中间冷却耦合的混合气体冷凝回收系统. 发明专利, 202310776453.2,2023.06.28(实质审查)
[4] 李太禄, 齐静, 于海放, 王晶怡, 李杰, 周凯伦, 田美. 空气冷能跨季节梯级有序储/供冷系统及其控制方法. 发明专利, 202310698328.4,2023.06.13(实质审查)
[5] 李太禄, 于海放, 王晶怡, 田美, 李杰, 周凯伦. 直/间接耦合式空气冷能跨季节储冰空调系统及其控制方法. 发明专利, 202310630191.9,2023.05.30(实质审查)
[6] 李太禄, 高翔, 王泽宇, 乔堉文, 张尧; 齐静, 于海放. 增强型地热系统参数耦合设计方法. 发明专利, 202310465298.2,2023.04.27(实质审查)
[7] 李太禄, 高瑞兆, 张尧, 王晶怡. 基于闪蒸的地热能与太阳能耦合梯级发电系统和方法. 发明专利, 202310408739.5,2023.04.17(实质审查)
[8] 李太禄, 孔祥飞, 刘青华, 孟楠, 贾亚楠, 秦浩森. 一种冷凝解耦与梯级蒸发耦合冷热电联产系统, 发明专利, 202010350844.4,2020.04.28(已授权)
[9] 李太禄, 高翔, 孟楠. 一种汽液分离式中高温地热流体实验测试系统. 发明专利, 20博彩公司10222299.5, 20博彩公司.02.28(已授权)
[10] 李太禄, 孟楠, 孔祥飞, 刘青华, 贾亚楠, 秦浩森. 一种梯级蒸发与温湿度独立控制相耦合的建筑供能系统. 发明专利, 201911188351.9,2019.11.28(已授权)
[11] 李太禄,张尧,李学龙,高海洋,高翔,孔祥飞. 一种梯级冷却与气液分离耦合的地热井产能测试装置. 发明专利, 202博彩公司1151048.3,2022.09.博彩公司(实质审查)
[12] 李太禄,张尧,李学龙,高海洋,高翔,孔祥飞. 一种混水式气液两相地热井产能测试装置. 发明专利, 202博彩公司1152495.0,2022.09.博彩公司(实质审查)
[13] 李太禄,张尧,孔祥飞,高翔,王晶怡. 新风与回风独立处理的空调系统及其控制方法. 发明专利, 202博彩公司0567405.8,2022.05.24(实质审查)
[14] 李太禄,张尧,孔祥飞,高翔,王晶怡. 直接作用式一次回风空调系统及其控制方法. 发明专利, 202博彩公司0567433.X,2022.05.24(实质审查)
[15] 李太禄,高海洋,孔祥飞,高翔,王静怡. 一种带液-液喷射器的有机朗肯双级闪蒸循环系统.发明专利, 202博彩公司0242907.3,2022.03.11(已授权)
[16] 李太禄,高海洋,孔祥飞,高翔,王静怡. 一种带气-液喷射器的有机朗肯双级闪蒸循环系统.发明专利, 202博彩公司0242925.1,2022.03.11(已授权)
[17] 李太禄,高翔,孔祥飞,任键林. 一/二次热力管网能量耦合的自增容供热系统. 发明专利, 20博彩公司11480975.5,20博彩公司.12.06(实质审查)
[18] 李太禄,孟楠,高翔. 一种干热岩超临界二氧化碳发电与碳封存耦合系统. 发明专利, 202011373045.5,2020.11.30(实质审查)
[19] 李太禄,刘青华,孔祥飞,孟楠,高翔,贾亚楠. 一种旁通型气液分离式地热产能测试系统. 发明专利, 202010940652.9,2020.09.09(已授权)
[20] 李太禄,刘青华,高翔,孟楠. 一种汽液分离式中高温地热流体实验测试系统. 发明专利, 20博彩公司11030124.0, 20博彩公司.02.28(实质审查)
[博彩公司] 朱家玲,李太禄,张伟,李君,付文成. 基于多级蒸发器与工质泵串联的有机朗肯循环发电系统. 发明专利, 201310088979.8,2013.03.20(已授权)
[22] 朱家玲,李太禄,张伟. 基于有机朗肯循环的中低温地热高效热电耦合联供系统. 发明专利, 201博彩公司0014170.6,2012.01.17(已授权)
3. 发表论文
序 号 |
题 目 |
发表时间 |
刊物名称(中科院分区,TOP期刊) |
国别 |
1 |
Effects of seepage flow patterns with different wellbore layout on the heat transfer and power generation performance of enhanced geothermal system |
2024 |
Renewable Energy (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
2 |
Techno-economic and environmental performance of a novel thermal station characterized by electric power generation recovery as by-product |
2024 |
Renewable Energy (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
3 |
Techno-economic- environmental performance of different system configuration for combined heating and power based on organic Rankine cycle and direct/indirect heating |
2024 |
Renewable Energy (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
4 |
Combined heating and power generation performance of thermal station for electricity self-sufficient characterized by two-stage heat transfer |
2024 |
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering(二区) |
荷兰 |
5 |
Thermodynamic performance evaluation of a novel thermal station for self-augmented heating capacity during operating variations |
2024 |
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering(二区) |
荷兰 |
6 |
Thermodynamic, economic, and environmental performance evaluation of boil-off gas condensate recovery by liquid nitrogen with power generation as byproduct |
2024 |
Journal of Cleaner Production(一区,TOP) |
美国 |
7 |
Numerical investigation and optimization on dynamic power generation performance of enhanced geothermal system |
2024 |
Energy (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
8 |
Synergetic characteristic of a novel thermally-driven CCHP system based on supercritical and transcritical CO2 cycles |
2024 |
Applied Thermal Engineering (二区,TOP) |
英国 |
9 |
Techno-economic and environmental performance of a novel poly-generation system under different energy-supply scenarios and temperature and humidity independent control |
2023 |
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering(二区) |
荷兰 |
10 |
Flash evaporation strategy of organic Rankine cycle for geothermal power performance enhancement: A case study |
2023 |
Renewable Energy (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
11 |
Techno-economic- environmental performance of multi-stage evaporation based poly-generation system under multiple energy supply scenarios |
2023 |
Journal of Cleaner Production(一区,TOP) |
美国 |
12 |
Supercritical flow and heat transfer of SCO2 in geothermal reservoir under non-Darcy’s law combined with power generation from hot dry rock |
2023 |
Renewable Energy (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
13 |
Experimental investigation on organic Rankine flash cycle with high- and low-stage scroll-expanders for thermal power generation |
2023 |
Applied Thermal Engineering (二区,TOP) |
英国 |
14 |
Geothermal power generation improvement of organic Rankine flash cycle using exergy, advanced exergy and exergoeconomic analyses |
2023 |
Applied Thermal Engineering (二区,TOP) |
英国 |
15 |
Energy-efficient heating control for nearly zero energy residential buildings with deep reinforcement learning |
2023 |
Energy (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
16 |
Dynamic Performance of Organic Rankine Cycle Driven by Fluctuant Industrial Waste Heat for Building Power Supply |
2023 |
Energies (四区) |
瑞士 |
17 |
Thermodynamic Performance Comparison of CCHP System Based on Organic Rankine Cycle and Two-Stage Vapor Compression Cycle |
2023 |
Energies (四区) |
瑞士 |
18 |
Synergetic mechanism of organic Rankine flash cycle with ejector for geothermal power generation enhancement |
2022 |
Journal of Cleaner Production(一区,TOP) |
美国 |
19 |
Synergetic characteristics of three-dimensional transient heat transfer in geothermal reservoir combined with power conversion for enhanced geothermal system |
2022 |
Renewable Energy (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
20 |
Energy, exergy, economic, and environment (4E) assessment of trans-critical organic Rankine cycle for combined heating and power in wastewater treatment plant |
2022 |
Energy Conversion and Management (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
21 |
Thermodynamic performance comparison of organic Rankine flash cycle with and without ejector for geothermal power output |
2022 |
Applied Thermal Engineering (二区,TOP) |
英国 |
22 |
Thermodynamic, economic, and environmental performance comparison of typical geothermal power generation systems driven by hot dry rock |
2022 |
Energy reports (四区) |
英国 |
23 |
Thermodynamic and techno-economic performance comparison of two-stage series organic Rankine cycle and organic Rankine flash cycle for geothermal power generation from hot dry rock |
2022 |
Applied Thermal Engineering (二区,TOP) |
英国 |
24 |
Thermodynamic Performance of Geothermal Energy Cascade Utilization for Combine Heating and Power Based on Organic Rankine Cycle and Vapor Compression Cycle |
2022 |
Energies (四区) |
瑞士 |
25 |
Synergetic Effect of Non-Condensable Gas and Steam Quality on the Production Capacity of Geothermal Wells and Geothermal Power Generation for Hot Dry Rock |
2022 |
Energies (四区) |
瑞士 |
26 |
A Review of Simulation Models of Heat Extraction for a Geothermal Reservoir in an Enhanced Geothermal System |
2022 |
Energies (四区) |
瑞士 |
27 |
Heating Control Strategy Based on Dynamic Programming for Building Energy Saving and Emission Reduction |
2022 |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health(四区) |
瑞士 |
28 |
Advanced exergy and exergoeconomic analyses and a case study of a novel trans-critical CO2 cycle with pressurization process for hot dry rock |
20博彩公司 |
Energy Conversion and Management (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
29 |
Energetic and exergetic performance of a novel polygeneration energy system driven by geothermal energy and solar energy for power, hydrogen and domestic hot water |
20博彩公司 |
Renewable Energy (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
30 |
Structural improvement and thermodynamic optimization of a novel supercritical CO2 cycle driven by hot dry rock for power generation、Energy Conversion and Management, 20博彩公司, 235: 114014. |
20博彩公司 |
Energy Conversion and Management (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
31 |
Techno-economic performance of multi-generation energy system driven by associated mixture of oil and geothermal water for oilfield in high water cut |
20博彩公司 |
Geothermics (二区) |
英国 |
32 |
Thermodynamic performance comparison of series and parallel two-stage evaporation vapor compression refrigeration cycle |
20博彩公司 |
Energy reports(二区) |
英国 |
33 |
The Coupled Effects of Dryness and Non-condensable Gas Content of Geothermal Fluid on the Power Generation Potential of an Enhanced Geothermal System |
20博彩公司 |
Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition)(三区) |
英国 |
34 |
Synergetic cascade-evaporation mechanism of a novel building distributed energy supply system with cogeneration and temperature and humidity independent control characteristics |
2020 |
Energy Conversion and Management (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
35 |
Techno-economic performance of two-stage series evaporation organic Rankine cycle with dual-level heat sources |
2020 |
Applied Thermal Engineering (二区,TOP) |
英国 |
36 |
Synergetic mechanism of fracture properties and system configuration on techno-economic performance of enhanced geothermal system for power generation during life cycle |
2020 |
Energy Conversion and Management (一区,TOP)
英国 |
37 |
Techno-economic performance comparison of enhanced geothermal system with typical cycle configurations for combined heating and power |
2020 |
Energy Conversion and Management (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
38 |
Series and parallel strategies of combined heating, power, and oil recovery in high water cut period |
2020 |
Mathematical Geosciences (三区) |
德国 |
39 |
Combination of two-stage series evaporation with non-isothermal phase change of organic Rankine cycle to enhance flue gas heat recovery from gas turbine |
2019 |
Energy Conversion and Management (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
40 |
Thermodynamic and economic evaluation of the organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) and two-stage organic Rankine cycle (TSORC) for flue gas heat recovery |
2019 |
Energy Conversion and Management (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
41 |
Coupling effect of evaporation and condensation processes of organic Rankine cycle for geothermal power generation improvement |
2019 |
Journal of Central South University (三区) |
中国 |
42 |
Series and Parallel Strategies of Combined Heating, Power and Oil Recovery for Oilfields in High Water Cut Period |
2019 |
Mathematical Geosciences (三区) |
德国 |
43 |
Poly-generation energy system driven by associated geothermal water for oilfield in high water cut stage: A theoretical study |
2018 |
Geothermics (二区) |
英国 |
44 |
Performance improvement of two-stage serial organic Rankine cycle (TSORC) driven by dual-level heat sources of geothermal energy coupled with solar energy |
2018 |
Geothermics (二区) |
英国 |
45 |
Thermodynamic optimization and fluid selection of organic Rankine cycle driven by a latent heat source |
2018 |
Journal of Central South University (三区) |
中国 |
46 |
Performance improvement of two-stage serial organic Rankine cycle (TSORC) integrated with absorption refrigeration (AR) for geothermal power generation |
2017 |
Geothermics (二区) |
英国 |
47 |
Performance enhancement of organic Rankine cycle with two-stage evaporation using energy and exergy analyses |
2017 |
Geothermics (二区) |
英国 |
48 |
Strengthening mechanisms of two-stage evaporation strategy on system performance for organic Rankine cycle |
2016 |
Energy (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
49 |
Applicability of the pipe structure and flow velocity of vertical ground heat exchanger for ground source heat pump |
2016 |
Energy and Buildings (二区,TOP) |
瑞士 |
50 |
Entransy dissipation/loss-based optimization of two-stage organic Rankine cycle (TSORC) with R245fa for geothermal power generation |
2016 |
Science China Technological Sciences (二区) |
中国 |
51 |
Two-stage evaporation strategy to improve system performance for organic Rankine cycle |
2015 |
Applied Energy (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
52 |
Parametric optimization and performance analysis of zeotropic mixtures for an organic Rankine cycle driven by low-medium temperature geothermal fluids |
2015 |
Applied Thermal Engineering (二区,TOP) |
英国 |
53 |
Performance analysis of a heat pipe PV/T system with different circulation tank capacities |
2015 |
Applied Thermal Engineering (二区,TOP) |
英国 |
54 |
Numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer characteristics in Solar Enhanced Natural Draft Dry Cooling Tower |
2015 |
Applied Thermal Engineering (二区,TOP) |
英国 |
55 |
Thermodynamic optimization of organic Rankine cycle using two-stage evaporation |
2015 |
Renewable Energy (二区,TOP) |
英国 |
56 |
A thermodynamics comparison of subcritical and transcritical organic Rankine cycle system for power generation |
2015 |
Journal of Central South University (三区) |
中国 |
57 |
An integrated optimization for organic Rankine cycle based on entransy theory and thermodynamics |
2014 |
Applied Thermal Engineering (二区,TOP) |
英国 |
58 |
A novel geothermal system combined power generation, gathering heat tracing, heating/domestic hot water and oil recovery in an oilfield |
2014 |
Geothermics (二区) |
英国 |
59 |
Implementation of PDORC (parallel double-evaporator organic Rankine cycle) to enhance power output in oilfield |
2014 |
Energy (一区,TOP) |
英国 |
60 |
Experimental comparison of R245fa and R245fa/R601a for organic Rankine cycle using scroll expander |
2014 |
International Journal of Energy Research (二区) |
英国 |
61 |
Comparison of a Kalina cycle based cascade utilization system with an existing organic Rankine cycle based geothermal power system in an oilfield |
2013 |
Applied Thermal Engineering (二区,TOP) |
英国 |
62 |
Comparative analysis of series and parallel geothermal systems combined power, heat and oil recovery in oilfield |
2013 |
Applied Thermal Engineering (二区,TOP) |
英国 |
63 |
Thermodynamic optimization of a neoteric geothermal poly-generation system in an oilfield |
2013 |
International Journal of Energy Research (二区) |
英国 |
64 |
Cascade utilization of low temperature geothermal water in oilfield combined power generation, gathering heat tracing and oil recovery |
2012 |
Applied Thermal Engineering (二区,TOP) |
英国 |